Friday, February 10, 2012

from bottom of my HEART ,my history DAY :)

10 february 2011 my history day :) ANUGERAH PRESIDENT LIST 2012 . .anak kelahiran Pn.kasmawati Dewi binti naim dan Zamri bin hussain (nur fahara diza binti zamri) . .was born 27 february 1992 :)
alright first of all ,im glad tersenarai dalam list president . .this is for my mum and dad . .ni jea yang kakak mampu bagi kat mak and papa ..sometimes im too annoy ,jerk ,piss off to my mum . .aku nii kuad MELAWAN cakap kott ,PEMALAS (buad kerja ruma),hehe . .mum . .this award for you..even just certificate but its mean a lot and worth it to me ,i hope u proud of me mum . .and tak lupa jgk kat PAPA aku ahmad azri bin abdul rahman (stepfather) eventhough his my step father ,dia sgtsgt pentingkan aku (anak kesayangan okay) papa selalu pesan ,pa tak kesah kakak nk bercinta but study jgn lupa . .yeah ,im just do that way pa :) thanks for support me and treat me like im your biological daughter :)

secondly ,thanks to my HAMBALI (aloy) for your support :D u know what ayang ,aku sayang gila kat kau ! HAHAHAHA :D eventhough he not sit next to me today but i hope one day will come for us ,KONVO nanti mungkin . .hewhew . .and this his wishes today <3

thats all for today :)
sincerely your daughter ,your girlfriend ,
fahara dieza

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


alright ,first of all . .ni update yg second for this year . .hewhew . .okay actually ,yeahh since i met this guy . .aku mcm FRAGILE gilaa kot . .too many story about him sampai aku rase nk end up ,move on or what ever laa kan ..BUT ! past is past laa kan ,aku mcm dh tak nak ambik tahu lg kesah hidup dia yg dulu-2 or whatever . .im just want him with me now ! aku mcm tak sangka sgt kot since when aku bole close to him ,everything we share it together ..aku ketawa ,menanges and so on semua depan dia *okay malu . .HAHA !
 kalau laa hati nii bole tgok kan . .kat dlm nii haa dh byk sgt luka kott -__-' ,since aku close dgn dia ,too many HURTS . .cerita aku denga sanasini . .but its okay . .ni KECIK laa wehh ! takkan GIVE UP kott ,this is my life and let me handle it . .yang mcm tak suka aku dgn dia tu . .takpe laaa . .aku tak kesah pun ,and PUHLEASE doakan KEBAHAGIAN aku dgn dia :) thats all
nak tahu tak ,since im with him ,aku suka muncher each of his bbm to me . .bila boring re-read balik . .hehe :)

ni time aku gadoh dgn dia ,nanad(my darling) bbm with him and she pass it to me . .okayy ,happy gilaa :D

paling rinduu yang ni wehhh :)

ni yang paling latest . .yeahh , i love you so much HAMBALI bin MAT ALI . .thanks to be part off my life <3

sincerely your friend ,girlfriend,closefriend,enemy 
fahara dieza ;)